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The Judge’s List Audiobook

John Grisham The Judge’s List Audiobook
Lacy Stoltz investigated a corrupt judge who took millions in bribes from a crime syndicate in The Whistler. She apprehended the criminals only after being attacked and nearly killed. She is tired of working for the Florida Board of Judicial Conduct after three years and is ready for a change.
Then she meets a mysterious woman who is so terrified that she goes by several aliases. Jeri Crosby’s father was murdered twenty years earlier in an unsolved case that has gone cold. But Jeri has a suspect she has become obsessed with and has been stalking for the past two decades. She has discovered additional victims along the way.
Suspicions are easy to form, but proof appears to be impossible. He’s brilliant, patient, and always one step ahead of the cops. He is the most devious serial killer. He understands forensics, police procedure, and, most importantly, the law.
He is a judge in Florida, which falls under Lacy’s jurisdiction.
He keeps a list of his victims and targets, all unsuspecting people who have crossed his path and wronged him in some way. Lacy must find a way to pursue him without becoming the next name on his list.
The Judge’s List is John Grisham’s most surprising and chilling novel to date.
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John Grisham

John Grisham is the king of legal thrillers, with a legal background that lends authenticity and charm to his books. Several Hollywood films have been based on the author’s best-sellers, including The Firm, A Time to Kill, and The Client. They are notable for the drama in the stories of the characters: they are wrongfully convicted, die, have no protection, and become determined to fight until the end.
John Ray Grisham Jr. was born in Jonesboro, Arkansas, on February 8, 1955. Wanda Skidmore, his mother, was a housewife, and his father, John Ray Grisham, worked in construction and grew cotton. The future author was the second of five children. When John was four years old, his family relocated to Southaven, Mississippi.
The youngster aspired to be a baseball player. Those desires were realized in the novel A Painted House (2001), which was about a seven-year-old farm boy who wanted to devote his life to sports. Calico Joe (2012) presented a fact from his own life: at the age of 18, he had to give up baseball after being severely injured by an opponent’s pitcher.
John became a Christian when he was eight years old. He even traveled to Brazil as a student to spread his beliefs.
John started working early. At 14, he watered bushes and repaired fences in a kindergarten before being promoted to plumber. At the age of 17, the young man’s father placed him on a road maintenance crew, where he worked as an asphalt spreader. At the time, he was involved in an accident that prompted him to consider attending college: workers from two teams fought and even used guns. Fearful, John hid in a restroom until the police apprehended the intruders.
The American decided he didn’t want to spend his life looking for work and enrolled at Northwest Mississippi Community College, later transferring to Delta State University in Cleveland, Ohio. John attended three different schools before receiving his higher education: in 1977, he graduated from Mississippi State University with a Bachelor of Science in accounting. Grisham later decided to expand his knowledge and enrolled in the University of Mississippi School of Law to study tax law. For the young man, it turned out to be more interesting than economics. John earned his JD in 1981.
For the next ten years, Grisham worked as a lawyer, defending people’s rights in criminal and personal injury cases. Because of his successful legal career, the man was elected to the Mississippi House of Representatives, where he earned $8000 per year.
Grisham learned the testimony of two victims in the Clinton court in Mississippi in 1984: Marcie Scott, 12, and her sister Julie, 16, were beaten and raped. The lawyer was moved by the girls’ tragic story and imagined what might happen if their father dealt with the criminals alone. As a result, it was the inspiration for the first legal thriller, A Time to Kill.
Grisham drew inspiration for his novel from Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird and introduced the central theme: racial conflict. At the same time, criminals are murdered by the black father of a raped girl. Members of the Ku Klux Klan begin looking for Jake Brigance, the lawyer who defended the Afro-Americans.
This book was difficult to find a publisher for: Grisham received 28 rejections. Finally, Wynwood Press published 5000 copies of the novel in June 1989.
Following A Time to Kill, the author began work on his next book, The Firm (1991), which told the story of a lawyer who discovered incriminating evidence against his colleagues who laundered the mafia’s money. The novel was a success, remaining a New York Times bestseller for 47 weeks and selling 1.5 million copies in two years. The success convinced Grisham to retire from the legal profession. He returned to it once, in 1996, to protect the family of a railroad worker killed on the job.
The following years saw the release of new legal thrillers: The Client (1993), The Chamber (1994), The Rainmaker (1995), The Partner (1997), and The Street Lawyer (1998). (1998). The novel A Painted House broke the pattern of similar works. The author described his childhood in Arkansas, which included baseball, cotton picking, and overcoming poverty.
The sports theme can also be found in Bleachers (2003), Playing for Pizza (2007), and Calico Joe (2008). (2012). Gray Mountain (2014) is the first novel in which the protagonist is a female lawyer.
John Grisham has worked on book collections in addition to individual novels. In 2010, he published Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer, which told the story of a boy raised by lawyers. He unwittingly witnesses a scene that has the potential to alter the legal process. People do not take his words seriously, but Theodore believes that if he does not tell the truth, the criminals will not be punished.
The new character was well received by the audience, and Grisham followed up with Theodore Boone: The Abduction (2011), in which the boy investigates why his school friend has gone missing. In Theodore Boone: The Accused, a teenager is accused of a crime he did not commit and must clear his name.
The 2013 publication Theodore Boone: The Activist introduced Theo to knowledgeable, inquisitive friends; together, they fight corrupted politicians. Those in power, however, are determined to see their plans through, even if it means eliminating the teenagers.
The Judge’s List Audiobook Excerpt Transcript
The call came through the office landline through a system that was at least 20 years old and had fought off all technological advances. It was taken by a tattooed receptionist named felicity, a new girl who would be gone before she fully understood the phones. They were all leaving, it seemed especially the clerical help turnover was ridiculous. Morale was low. The board on judicial conduct had just seen its budget chopped for the fourth straight year by a legislature that hardly knew it existed.
Felicity managed to route the call down the hall to the cluttered desk of lacey stultz. There’S a call on line three she announced who is it lacey asked she wouldn’t say there were so many ways to respond at that moment, though, lacey was bored and she did not wish to waste the emotional energy necessary to properly chastise the kid and set her Straight routines and protocols were crumbling office discipline was waning as bjc spiraled into a leaderless mess. As a veteran, the veteran it was important to set an example thanks. She said and punched the blinking light lacie stoltz good afternoon, miss stultz. Do you have a moment?
Female educated, no hint of an accent, mid-40s, give or take three years, lacey always played the voice game and to whom do? I have the pleasure? My name is margie for now, but i use other ones. Lacey was amused and almost chuckled well at least you’re upfront about it. It normally takes me some time to work through the aliases anonymous callers were routine.
People with gripes about judges were always cautious and hesitant to come forward and take on the system almost all feared. Retaliation from the powers on high margie said i’d like to talk to you somewhere private. My office is private. If you’d like, oh, no, she snapped apparently frightened at the thought that won’t work. You know the siler building next door.
Of course, lacey said, as she stood and looked out her window at the siler building. One of several nondescript government addresses in downtown tallahassee margie, said: there’s a coffee bar on the ground floor. Can we meet there? I suppose, when now i’m on my second latte slow down, give me a few minutes and you’ll recognize me. Yes, you’re on the website, i’m in the rear left side lacey’s office was indeed private.
The one to her left was empty vacated by an ex-colleague, who’d moved on to a bigger agency across the hall. An office had been converted into a makeshift storage closet. She walked toward felicity and ducked into the office of darren trope, a two-year man already prowling for another job. You busy. She asked as she interrupted whatever he was doing, not really it didn’t matter what he was or was not doing if lacey needed anything darren belonged to her need a favor, i’m stepping over to seiler to meet a stranger who just admitted that she is using a Fake name, oh, i love the cloak and dagger sure beats sitting here.
Reading about some judge, who made lewd comments to a witness hall, lewd pretty graphic any photos – videos not yet let me know if you get them so mine, stepping over in 15 minutes and taking a picture sure, no problem, no idea who she is none whatsoever. Lacey left the building took her time, walking around the block enjoyed a moment of cool air and strolled into the lobby of the seiler building. It was almost 4 p.m and there were no other customers drinking coffee. At that hour, margie was at a small table in the rear to the left.
She waved quickly as though someone might notice and she didn’t want to get caught, lacey smiled and walked toward her african-american mid-40s professional, attractive, educated, slacks and heels, and dressed nicer than lacy. Though around bjc these days, any and all attire was allowed, the old boss wanted coats and ties and hated jeans, but he had retired two years ago and took most of the rules with him. Lacey passed the counter where the barista was loafing, with both elbows stuck on the formica hands, cradling, her pink phone that had her thoroughly fascinated. She did not look up, never thought about greeting a customer and lacey decided to pass on more caffeine anyway.
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