The Art of Resilience Audiobook
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Gauranga Das Prabhu The Art of Resilience Audiobook Audiobook 🎧

Social media has surely given us individual authorship over how we show ourselves to the world. We network with the world in a carefully filtered image of ourselves, susceptible to the dictates of others’ «likes» and «comments» But, are we genuinely presenting our authentic selves to the world? Can it provide long-term enjoyment and trustworthy relationships?

Gauranga Das takes you on an inner trip to discover your inner self, beyond the heights of expectation, through the valleys of disapprovals, and beyond the layers of self-deception, in this first volume of Yoga Stories. Thus bringing you closer to your heart’s house, allowing you to open the door and introduce yourself, ultimately meeting the real you.

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Gauranga Das Prabhu Biography

Gauranga Dasa is a B.Tech graduate of IIT Bombay who serves in various capacities in the ISKCON organization at the national and global levels. He is a Global Duty Officer for the ISKCON Governing Body Commission (GBC), a trustee of ISKCON GBC College, a member of the GBC Organizational Development Committee and the GBC Nominations Committee, and the Divisional Director of Devotee Care and Temple Development, Systems, and Administration departments of ISKCON temples around the world.

He is the Director of Govardhan Ecovillage, a United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) award-winning Eco-village community, as well as the Co-President of the ISKCON Chowpatty temple. In addition, he serves as a Trustee and Administrative Director for the Bhaktivedanta Research Centre (BRC) in Kolkata.

He is an inspiring speaker because, by presenting Vedic Knowledge in a modern and appealing manner, he makes spirituality accessible to all. He has represented ISKCON as a speaker at various conferences and has given over 10,000 discourses on Srimad Bhagavatam, Bhagavad Gita, and other scriptures over the last two decades.

special invitation from audible

The Art of Resilience Audiobook Excerpt Transcript

Our spirit we have bounced back again and gone on to do spectacular things. That is why our civilization stands tall, Narendra Modi, prime minister of India, in an address to isro scientists in September 2019, where there are resolve and resilience resources come naturally Narendra Modi at the 18th convocation of Tezpur University, held in Assam on 22nd January 2021 introduction. I have been a monk for over 27 years when I tell people I’m a monk. The image they seem to conjure up is that of a man of the cloth who meditates in tranquility for hours on end in part. They are correct.

I do meditate for over two hours daily chanting, the hare Krishna maha-mantra with focused attention. However, the remaining 22 hours are filled with a different flavor of tranquility. They are filled with being involved in a plethora of spiritually inspired selfless service for one of these services. I travel the world to talk about Vedic literature. I have studied intensively and based my life on specifically the three main pieces of literature, including the famous Bhagavad-gita, as it is heralded as the main source of wisdom for Hindus globally and from which most of the lessons of this book are derived.

It is sometimes cited as the textbook of god. The second book is the Srimad Bhagavatam, an extensive 18 000 verse treatise on god by Veda Vyasa translated into English by ac Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. This book is sometimes cited as the biography of god. The third book is the Chaitanya charitamrita the life and teachings of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu a 15th century incarnation of god. This book is sometimes cited as the diary of god.

Each book has its place in society. Each adding layers of truths about the supreme just as children are taught about the rules of mathematics as they advance from one grade to another. From my experience speaking around the world, i have realized that for many it is easier to absorb the truths of literatures, like the bhagavad-gita as it is when it is supplemented by stories. Stories, give a context and application to truth stories. Help us imagine ourselves in the characters, roles and apply the lesson that they are learning in our own lives.

It is easier to learn the lesson of being grateful in the context of a story rather than from being told to simply be grateful. There is no doubt that ancient vedic heavyweight literatures, such as the mahabharata and the ramayana, are so popular because they teach universal truths through stories unparalleled in their excitement, engagement and depth. The art of resilience is the first book in a three-part series. It takes the same principle of telling enamoring cultural stories and bringing to light universal truths that are found within them. As stated, i have primarily used bhagavad-gita as it is, and other vedic literatures to bring out the lessons of these stories.

The main topics include understanding the spiritual nature of the human condition, atma the components of the world around us prakriti. The influence time has on our life kaala how our actions in the past created our present and how our present actions can affect our future karma and the influence of the supreme control over everything and everyone ishwara. This book is for those searching to build resilience in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy or significant sources of stress, such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems or workplace and financial stresses. What makes this book different is that the timeless principles explaining the stories are based on authentic, timeless Vedic wisdom.

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