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Stuck with You Audiobook

Stuck with You Audiobook

Stuck with You Audiobook

por | May 9, 2022 | Free Audiobooks

Stuck with You Audiobook

Ali Hazelwood Stuck with You Audiobook 🎧 Stuck with You Audiobook

There’s nothing like a little scientific rivalry to take love to the next level.
Mara, Sadie, and Hannah are friends first and scientists second. Though their fields of study may take them to different parts of the globe, they can all agree on one universal truth: when it comes to love and science, opposites attract and rivals make you burn…
Civil engineers are supposed to build bridges, according to Sadie. As a woman in STEM, she understands that variables change, and you earn the right to burn that brawny, blond bridge to the ground when you’re stuck in a tiny New York elevator with the man who broke your heart for hours. Erik can apologize all he wants, but to quote her rebel leader, she’d rather kiss a Wookiee.

Even Sadie’s most sophisticated superstitions couldn’t have predicted such a disaster. Sadie can’t help but wonder if her cold-hearted foe has more layers than meets the eye, despite her refusal to acknowledge Erik’s steely forearms or the way his voice softens when he offers her his sweater. Even burned bridges can be crossed in some cases…

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My world comes to an end at 10, 43 on a friday night, when the elevator lurches to a stop between the 8th and 7th floor of the building that houses. The engineering firm where i work the ceiling lights flicker then go off completely then after a stretch that lasts about five seconds but feels like several decades come back with the slightly yellower tinge of the emergency bulb crap fun fact. This is actually the second time my world came to an end tonight. The first was less than a minute ago, when the elevator i’m riding stopped on the 13th floor and eric novak. The last person i ever wanted to see appeared in all his blonde massive viking-like glory.

He studied me for what felt like too long took a step inside and then studied me some more while i avidly inspected the tips of my shoes re-crap. It’S a slightly complicated situation. I work in new york city and my company green frame rents a small office on the 18th floor of a manhattan building very small. It has to be very small because we’re a baby firm, still establishing ourselves in a pretty cutthroat market, and we don’t always make a ton of money. I guess that’s what happens when you value things like sustainability, environmental protection, economic viability and efficiency renewability rather than depletion.

Minimization of exposure to potential hazards such as toxic materials and well, i won’t bore you with the wikipedia entry on green engineering. Suffice it to say my boss, gianna, who, coincidentally, is the only other engineer working full time at the firm founded green frame with the aim of creating great structures that actually make sense within their environment and is delightfully crunchily hardcore about it. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always pay very well or well or at all so yeah, like i said, a slightly complicated situation, especially when compared with more traditional engineering companies that don’t focus as much on conservation and pollution control like pro build the giant firm where eric novak works. The one that takes up the whole 13th floor and the 12th, maybe the 11th too i lost track. So when the elevator began to slow down around the 14th floor, i felt a surge of apprehension which i naively discarded as mere paranoia.

You have nothing to worry about sadie, i told myself: probilt has tons of offices, they’re, always expanding, orchestrating mergers and eating up smaller firms like the blob. They are truly the corrosive alien amoeboidal entity of the business, which translates to hundreds of people working for them, which in turn means that any one out of those hundreds of people could be calling the elevator anyone there’s no way it’s eric, novak yeah. No, it was eric novak all right with his massive colossal presence, eric novak, who spent the entirety of our five-floor ride, staring at me with those ruthless icy blue eyes of his eric novak who’s. Currently, looking up at the emergency light with a slight frown, the power was out, he says an obvious statement with that stupidly deep voice of his. It hasn’t changed one wit since the last time we talked nor since that string of messages he left on my phone before i blocked his number, the ones that i never bothered answering, but also couldn’t quite bring myself to delete the ones.

I could not stop myself from listening to over and over and over. My world comes to an end at 10 43 on a friday night, when the elevator lurches to a stop between the eighth and seventh floor of the building that houses. The engineering firm where i work the ceiling lights flicker then go off completely then after a stretch that lasts about five seconds but feels like several decades come back with the slightly yellower tinge of the emergency bulb crap fun fact. This is actually the second time my world came to an end tonight. The first was less than a minute ago, when the elevator i’m riding stopped on the 13th floor and eric novak.

The last person i ever wanted to see appeared in all his blonde massive viking-like glory. He studied me for what felt like too long.

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