Have you ever wondered why CEOs, leaders, and recruiters are always talking about soft skills? Job interviews, promotions, appraisals, teamwork, managing workplace challenges, communication skills, and a variety of other tasks—soft skills give you a significant professional advantage in a variety of situations.

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Skill It Kill It Audiobook 🎧 Up Your Game 🎧 Ronnie Screwvala Audiobook

Ronnie Screwvala shares personal stories and observations from his many failures and few successes in this book to give you an insider’s view of the «invisible» skills that can shorten your learning curve by years. Skill It, Kill It is a practical, actionable book that will ensure you’re future-proof in these ever-changing times and ready to stand out among your peers. If you’re willing to RISE, COMMIT, LISTEN, SACRIFICE, and WANT IT BADLY. Then your time has come! Hello and welcome to #LifeLongLearning.

✅ Full Version 👉 https://summarybooks.shop/skill-it-kill-it-audiobook/

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#SkillItKillIt #SkillItKillItaudiobook #RonnieScrewvala

————————— FAIR USE CLAUSE—————————-

Audiobook: Skill It Kill It
Author: Ronnie Screwvala
Narrator: Ronnie Screwvala
Publisher: Random House Audio

Under the fair use clause, a clip of up to 10 minutes may be used, as long as it is credited to the author and Penguin Random House Audio.

NOTE: This channel uses audio extracts for the videos. These excerpts are obtained from the Penguin Random House Audio website and are used for the purpose of promoting the audiobooks. This is beneficial for the Author and the Publisher.
However, if you are a copyright owner and do not want this video excerpt to be used by this channel, please send an email to mscpv2030@gmail.com and the video will be removed immediately.
