Click here to get the audiobook for free Book Review: Surrounded by Liars In Surrounded by Liars, Thomas Erikson, a Swedish behavioral expert known for his work on the DISC model, embarks on a fascinating exploration of the complex world of lies. The book...
Sam Cleary (Javon «Wanna» Walton), a 13-year-old, suspects that Mr. Smith (Sylvester Stallone), his mysterious and lonely neighbor, is truly a legendary superhero. Samaritan was declared killed 20 years ago following a battle with his adversary, Nemesis, in a warehouse. People assume Samaritan died in the fire, but certain citizens, such as Sam, believe he is still alive. With crime on the rise and the city on the verge of collapse, Sam plans to bring the neighbor out of hiding in order to save the city from catastrophe.
Sylvester Stallone, Javon Walton, Pilou Asbæk, Sophia Tatum, Martin Starr, Moises Arias, Dascha Polanco, Michael Aaron Milligan, Joe Knezevich, Olaolu Winfunke, Rahiem Riley, Ryan Dinning, Scott Rapp
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