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Millionaire Mind Crush Audiobook

Millionaire Mind Crush audiobook

Millionaire Mind Crush Audiobook

por | May 19, 2022 | Free Audiobooks

Millionaire Mind Crush audiobook

Millionaire Mind Crush Keith Everett Audiobook

You are in luck because this is the book to make your dreams come true. Of course, you have to do the hard work to get there, but in this audio, you will discover that reaching millionaire status is not only doable but also that anyone can achieve it.

The author of Money Mind Crush – is back, this time with a power in his punch that you won’t have seen in any other books of this genre.

In this book, Keith clearly explains how we can all work towards that Magic Million number if we are prepared to adopt the right mindset and the right strategies. He goes on to debunk the myth that only «special» people can ever make millions (yes, why stop at one million?) and reveals some very illuminating insights into how starting your own online business can lead you to great financial success. And it all starts with a pen and notepad!

Keith walks the talk, describing his lengthy experience in the world of business, including sharing his own personal story of losses and gains. He even tells you about the day he personally lost $250,000 (yes, in one day) and how he mentally recovered from that.

He provides an abundance of carefully thought-out action plans, with tried and tested practical tips on how you can reach your millionaire goals.

Each chapter is packed with a mix of personal anecdotes, a large dose of business acumen, and some insider tips that have been a well-kept secret for far too long. Keith tells you how to grow that «millionaire mentality», and goes on to reveal multiple ways to grow your bank balance too.

There is something in this book for everyone who wants to realize their vision and reach that MAGIC Million, but isn’t quite sure where to begin.

Listen to Millionaire Mind Crush today, and begin planning today for your millionaire tomorrow!

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A lot of people call this faking it till you make it. However, we are not faking it. We are experiencing it through our senses. What this does is warm up the subconscious mind into positive expectation when we convince our mind that we have already achieved our goals. We are tricking it into thinking.

It’S already a done deal. The mind then, wants more of the same spurring you on to pursue those goals. The reason most people don’t get. What they want is because they spend their lives, focusing on the things they don’t have. Keep telling yourself, i don’t have this and i’m always broke and guess what your subconscious sees this as an instruction to keep you there.

Your subconscious mind is monitoring you. 24. 7. Yes, even when you are asleep, things appear in our minds way before they appear in physical form. Think of your mind as being like a huge iceberg, the bit sticking out of the sea that you can actually see is your conscious mind.

This is the part of the mind most of us use the most. We tend to use this to navigate our way through life, and we try to keep away from danger. Our subconscious mind is the most powerful part of the brain. This is the brain’s thinking brain. This is the part of your mind that operates your gut feeling.

It is the part of your mind that can attract anything good to you. If you would only let it that huge hidden part of the iceberg underneath the sea, that is your subconscious mind, it’s vast. This is the part of the mind that we use to do those extraordinary things master this and you are golden, and just in case you were wondering this is not some woo-woo weirdness thinking thought up by hippies from the 60s. This is simply drawing physical experiences into your life by using the power of thought, which is something we all do every day stay with me here. Let me give you an example.

Imagine something sad now imagine something extremely sad. Your mind doesn’t know that it’s only imaginary. Every thought you have releases a certain chemical into the brain, each chemical releases, a feeling. This is how we can make ourselves physically cry just by thinking about something very sad. Maybe you were thinking about the passing of a loved one.

Maybe it was the loss of a lover. The event is now over, yet our thoughts are creating a sad feeling. This feeling is now making us cry. This is how you are tricking, the brain, the brain doesn’t know any better. It believes what you tell it to believe.

We are recalling these events and making them real again. The subconscious doesn’t know if the event is true or false. This doesn’t happen when you are asleep. Your dreams are processed differently by your brain. This prevents you from being harmed if you happen to be having some kind of wild and weird dream that involves jumping off the top of a 10-story building.

How you see the world is everything many people see the world as either black or white. They either think the world is a wonderful place full of opportunities and they live in positive expectation or they think it’s a fearful dark place, a place where you constantly have to avoid problems. Life to them is a struggle and they are constantly trying to avoid being hurt. The truth is the world is neither good or bad. It is only how you perceive it.

If you see it as a dark and dangerous place, it will be, if you see it as a land of opportunity, it will be. Your outer world tends to be a reflection of your inner world and how you think about it. Our life therefore tends to fit the pictures that we constantly hold of it in our minds right. Let’S move on key takeaways luck. This is something we ourselves control.

Only around five percent of what happens to us is purely random. We all have the ability to control the other 95 percent. Good luck really is all in our preparation to meet opportunity head-on and to grasp those opportunities with both hands when presented with them. Having a plan, we seem to have a plan for everything else: holidays. Supermarket visits days out, etc, but we have no plan in place for the most important things in our life like our financial future.

This is crazy. We can’t leave everything to luck, engineering, the experience in our minds. Everything in this life started off as an idea. Someone thought about it first before it appeared in reality think of any building car or experience. It started as a thought.

This is how you can start to elevate your life experiences right away, start to feel lucky and imagine yourself, as a more wealthy person, see it in your mind’s eye, feel it touch. It experience it in your mind. This is how you attract things to you in the physical world. A lot of people call this faking it till you make it. However, we are not faking it.

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