The COVID-19 pandemic is far from ended. However, as governments around the world struggle to get it under control, they are also beginning to discuss what will happen next. How can we avoid another pandemic that kills millions and devastates the global economy?

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How to Prevent the Next Pandemic Audiobook 🎧 Bill Gates
Can we ever hope to do this? Bill Gates feels the answer is yes, and he has created a mostly optimistic book in which he spells out clearly and convincingly what the world should learn from COVID-19, explains the science of battling pandemics, and offers what we can all do to help prevent another one.


#HowtoPreventtheNextPandemicAudiobook #HowtoPreventtheNextPandemic #billgates

————————— FAIR USE CLAUSE—————————-
Author: Bill Gates
Narrator: Wil Wheaton & Bill Gates
Publisher: Random House Audio
Under the fair use clause, a clip of up to 10 minutes may be used, as long as it is credited to the author and Penguin Random House Audio.

NOTE: This channel uses audio extracts for the videos. These excerpts are obtained from the Penguin Random House Audio website and are used for the purpose of promoting the audiobooks.
If you are a copyright holder and do not want this channel to use the excerpt in this video, please send an email to and the video will be removed immediately.
