1937, Europe and America. Based on a true story, this powerful novel about wartime courage and extraordinary friendship, tells how two women changed the fate of the Second World War and the course of history.

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When the Nightingale Sings Audiobook 🎧 Suzanne Kelman Audiobook 🎧 Free Audiobooks In English
When Judy Morgan, an impossibly shy young woman, graduates from Cambridge University with a degree in Physics, she dreams of making a difference in the world.

Meanwhile, a beautiful young Jewish woman changes her name to Hedy Lamarr and risks everything to get to America, as far away from the Nazi threat as possible.

When the two women meet in pre-war London, they form a powerful friendship, with Judy’s passion for science a perfect match for Hedy’s brilliant talent for invention. When the world is engulfed in a war that no one could have predicted in their wildest dreams, Hedy and Judy know they must act quickly.

Judy and Hedy are both looking for ways to end the war as their lives collide in Cambridge, California, Pearl Harbor, and beyond, putting both their lives in danger and tragedy.

However, neither of them will be aware that one of them is on the verge of disaster. A path that not only has the potential to change the war’s outcome but also to end their friendship forever…

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